Wacken 2014 is nearly history, but only nearly. Because there is still the final concert of the German medieval / folk rocker of Schandmaul to come. Numbers were dwindling as usual but the ones who stayed should be rewarded with a really great show.

After the epic songs of Avantasia we were heading for the final sprint of the Wacken. Three days left marks but at that late hour I went nevertheless over to the Party Stage where the acapella metaller of Van Canto announced a special show with lots of guests. So you could be curious who would join them on stage as they do have numerous of cover versions of big metal songs.

After Megadeth now well knowns were coming onto the stage. Nearly each year Tobias Samme is guest on Wacken Open Air, once in a while with his own band Edguy and like this evening also with his project Avantasia (although) this should be discontinued some years ago already).

After Amon Amarth performed a mind-blowing show on the True Metal Stage it was seamlessly continuing on the Black Stage with the next climax. Another representant of the big four of thrash metal paid Wacken its courtesy visit: Megadeth! After Slayer already really rocked the field the day before now the men around guitarist and singer Dave Mustaine were able to show their skills.

It was very cozy in front of the True Metal Stage on which the north men of Amon Amarth were eagerly waited for. Already on Wacken Open Air 2012 the really burned down the stage and it was nothing less than that what the audience was waiting for also this time. And already optically you were rewarded by two gigantic dragon heads at each side of the stage.

Contrary to Arthemis the tent was more filled and the mass was waiting eagerly for the dark rock band Lacrimas Profundere from the Bavarian Waging am See. Also they are already existing since 1993 and have passed a huge number of redeployments but that are the only two similarities to Arthemis.
From the large stages of the main area I went towards the tent. There on the W.E.T. stage Arthemis from Italy was waiting with their heavy metal with thrash borrowings for the audience. But the show was only sparsely visited. And so the men around singer Fabio Dessi had to heavily buckle down to get the mass moving./p>

Meanwhile not only mood was getting better but also temperatures in the sun were raising. After the great opening with Prong let’s move on to the True Metal Stage where Tom Angelripper with his trash old hand Sodom is already waiting. There a broadside of their greatest hits was played and who was not awakened after this is beyond help.

The last day at Wacken should be begun in front of the Party Stage watching the American groove metal old hands Prong. May it be due to the fact that they had to be the opener on that stage or that Arch Enemy with their new front woman were rocking the Black Metal Stage in parallel, there were only very few persons standing in front of the stage. Additionally the sound was not very good because again and again Arch Enemy was drowning what was happening here.

The ending of the second day should be formed by Blackie Lawless with his band W.A.S.P. Already in 2010 I had seen them for the first time at the Wacken Open Air. To that time in the afternoon instead. Now in the dark of course the stage lights and the big LED wall in the background were much better coming into one’s own.