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In Flames Article

08.08.2012 Wacken 2012: Rain & Shine

Wacken Open Air 2012 is history and will remain in mind not only because of the music but also because of the weather. It was alternating between sunburn and floaties. On Wednesday and Thursday it was warm and sunny but on Friday during the Kamelot concert it started raining cats and dogs for the first time so that the festival area looked like the mud flat. This was even getting worse by further rain showers during the festival.

Nevertheless you have to give a big thank you to the promoters who tried everything to keep the festival area in a halfway usable condition. Immediately pumps were used to get rid of the floodings. Afterwards they tried to fasten the underground with wood chips so that you were not caving in too much. For the already during arrival long-suffering drivers they organized a towing service in short terms helping on the leaving day for free to get of the completely soaking wet meadows.

But there was also a lot of music and so bands of all styles could be heard. No matter if it was the country rock band The Boss Hoss, the black metal men of Dimmu Borgir who came with the Czech Symphonic Orchestra of the great old men of Saxon and the Scorpions. There was something for everybody and everybody was partying even if you were drowning in mud.

Because of being on holidays the upcoming two weeks there will be the first pictures of the concerts earliest from 27.08.2012 onwards available on this website. So please bear with me.



Further News

  • Norway / Sweden Intro
  • Testament Intro
  • Germany - Finnland Intro
  • Apocalyptica Intro
  • Saxon Intro