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Hamburg Freezers - Krefeld Pinguine Article

22.01.2013 Only one point brought back from Hamburg

Under the slogan "Ballermann 6-unddreissig" a coach full of Krefeld people went on his way to Hamburg to hijack the points from the O2 World. Unfortunately this was not that successfull. Three times the black and yellow wearing ones gained the lead but all their fighting spirit was not awarded as the Hamburg Freezers could equalise all the time so that finally the shotout lottery was needed to decide about the additional point. This was kept at the hanseatic town but the round about 200 people from Krefeld could return with their head up high having seen a very promising game of their team.


20.01.2013 Hamburg Freezers - Krefeld Pinguine at the O2 World at Hamburg (D)

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