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Backyard Babies Article

Young and old on Wednesday

From 01.08.2018 until 04.08.2018 the Wacken Open Air was opening its doors for the 29th time. After the last years being often a mudslinging, this year offered pure sun and heat. Related to that was unfortunately also the dust (which you like to put up more then the mud), as well as dinking enough (and not only alcohol). There were many great bands so that the agony of choice was extreme.
Overall I watched 35 concerts on the festival which leads me directly to the first announcement: Due to the large number of bands that I watched this year and the fact that meanwhile this website is published in two languages it will take a little bit longer this year until all bands will have been put online. So it is just like a summery Advent calendar. Today the bands of Wednesday will begin where there were not only Metal Battle newcomers but also many veteran bands.


01.08.2018 An Theos
01.08.2018 Fish
01.08.2018 Nazareth
01.08.2018 Backyard Babies
01.08.2018 Heilung

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