Was there a deluge already during Children Of Bodom so the last tones were not yet faded away when the sky opened for the second time but this time more persistant than during the first time and so there was nothing more for me to do than to watch the first three songs fo Subway To Sally from the roofed gangway to the press area.

As next to the last act there were the Finnish metaller of Children Of Bodom. This gig should be something special for all senses (unfortunately). During Avantasia there were only sporadic some drips and during Motörhead it rained enduring but only very slightly. What happened now during Children Of Bodom I am really feeling sorry for all the metalheads standing in front of the stage and also for the guys themselves on it.

Shortly after 23:00 it was the time: heavy metal old hand Lemmy Kilmister entered together wiht his band Motörhead the True Metal Stage. Without much hesitating they directly went for it. Meanwhile he is 66 years old but how did a great Austrian singer one's sing: to that point in life it is just really beginning.

After so much sentimental moments I now absolutely needed an eye-opener. Therfore the Canadian trio Danko Jones was just the right thing. In front of the Party Stage it was already quite well crowded. Although they belong not 100% to Wacken considering the music style (they play classic rock'n roll) they perfectly fit and provided a terrific show.

After we just passed the first saying goodbye of this day with Matt Barlow it again meant saying goodbye. As Tobias Sammed wants to work more actively on his main project Edguy. Due to this and also due to the organizational efforts his metal opera Avantasia needs this should be the last gig. For this once more really everything of distinction was there.

So, spent enough time inside the tent. Outside there was not the nicest weather but at least it was dry. No it meant to take out the handkerchieves as the American heavy metal band Iced Earth would be on stage for the last time with the known line-up. Why this very special concert of the quite well known band had to take place at 17:30 in the afternoon and also for 60 minutes only will remain the secret of the promoters forever. It was not really suitable at all!

A short break for changing the stage setting after Stormzone an afterwards it was continued with the German band Hämatom. The lyrics are German and from style point of view they can be classified at the area of Neue Deutsche Härte. But what the funny disguises in Slipknot style should be good for only the band self knows. Never mind, what is counting is the music.

Although the men of the band Stormzone were all shomhow older they nevertheless founded in 2004 initially and released in 2007 their debut album "Caught In The Act" as well as 2010 their current album "Death Dealer". The Northern Irish were heavily borrowing from bands like Iron Maiden or Whitesnake.

The British trash metal band Onslaught first did not mean anything to me. Already founded in 1983 the five men can look back onto a quite varying history. In changing line-ups they recorded from 1986 until their temporary disbanding in 1991 three LPs and just as many EPs. Afterwards each one was striking out on its own until drummer Steve Grice and guitarist Nige Rockett reunited in 2005 to Onslaught. Meanwhile only Nige Rocket is left over and the rest of the band was filled up with new faces.

Directly after The Murder Of My Sweet it continued Scandinavik. After a short break to change the stage setting the four from Norway of Triosphere entered the stage. The band is set up as follows: On drums there is Ørjan Aare Jørgensen. He is supported by the two guitarists Marius Silver Bergesen and Tor Oly Byberg. For bass and vocals you can find front woman Ida Haukland responsible.