Monday evening at the train station Langendreer Humppa was the order of the day as the guys of Eläkeläiset were passing by. The stage scenery: barren. Only two tables with two synthesizers, a few microphones and a drum set. And in the background a reindeer formed out of wire, the band logo.

Until The Beauty Of Gemina entered the stage some more people gathered compared to their supporting act Me.Man.Machine. Still it was a very small and intimate concert in front of approximately 80-90 persons although it was not seeming empty at the Kulturfabrik.

Towards half past eight Me.Man.Machine entered the stage of the Krefeld Kulturfabrik in front of which only very few had gathered. Roughly 50-60 persons were waiting agog for the gig of the Swiss around front men Roland Häusler. And they should not be disappointed.

This gig of Within Temptation was largely announced beforehand. It was at least not less than the jubilee show to their 15th year of existence. That should be celebrated largely and so at the Belgium Antwerp an appropriate big stage was built. Of course again a big screen had to be installed there but in front of it additionally a complete symphonic orchestra and a big choir.

After Xandria had left the stage it was enlargened for the highlight of the festival. As no other band is so connected to the Metal Female Voices Fest than the band Epica. Not less than 8 gigs they played there (only during the last year the paused). Who else would have been more predestinated to headline the festival?

And directly afterwards the next band that I already could admire the year before. The German band Xandria was allowed to test on Friday evening how whether they are able to enthuse the crowd with their new style and her new front women Manuela Kraller. That appealed so well that they were headlining the Sunday evening this year.

It is the third year in a row that the Spanish symphonic metal band Diabulus In Musica thanks to their promoter 2Wild4 is with the festival on one of the main slots. With them they brought their current album "The Wanderer" and their debut "Secrets".

After the Norwegian gothic metaller of Trail Of Tears were already guests last year, they could go for it once more this year. And without to tell too much the show was great as usual!

The last time Sarah Jezebel Deva was guest at Metal Female Voices Fest two years ago. To that time with a really disappointing show where she was standing shy and frightened at the background of the stage and let her bassist take the action.

Blow on blow it continued. Trillium only released one album but it is the band of Amanda Somerville who proved already at other project her voice skills.