After the awesome gig of Five Finger Death Punch there was the complete opposite by the British Bring Me The Horizon. The five guys from Sheffield had metal core from their current album “Sempiternal” with them. Except two songs they played only stuff of this extremely hyped long-player.

Actually, I would have liked to see the American heavy metal band Five Finger Death Punch last year on Forta Rock Festival at Nijmegen but unfortunately, they had to cancel their show short-timed. So it was until this year to have this premiere.

I went on to the Party Stage were already „Germany’s most band of the world“ was waiting: Knorkator. The weird shows have lots of followers you could already see by the fact that it was completely crowded on the area in front of the stage.

The first slot of the day is always the most unthankfully one and this year the hard rockers of Skid Row had unfortunately the honor to start. At least some people already gathered in front of the Party Stage when the guys around singer Johnny Solinger started.

The big headliner of the first evening was formed by Accept. The band that had a lot of personal changes and was also separated and reunited several times is never the less existing already since the early 70s. To that time with Udo Dirkschneider as singer (having today big success with U.D.O.) but in the current formation not worse compared to that time.

This year just like two years ago the British band Saxon was the main act of the evening. Before that you had unfortunately to wait another quarter hour as two wannabe-Copperfields (named Ehrlich Brothers) thought of presenting their magic tricks on the True Metal Stage.

So and after solid Swedish heavy metal it was getting hot on the True Metal Stage when the glam rockers of Steel Panther entered the stage. Meanwhile it was quite well crowded and the audience was speculating on something that is guaranteed on Steel Panther concerts: tits!

Finally I went on Thursday evening over to the main area. There should be a nice Swedish band playing called Hammerfall. They had taken some time off but it seems that they got bored of it (at least if you can trust the words of singer Joacim Cans).

It was five years ago that I saw the six guys from Erlangen for the first time at the very same place. And also today the area in front of the Wackinger was more than crowded having the best weather you could imagine. There seemed to be even more people like me that were not interested in comedy (Why somebody like Bülent Ceylan gets 45 minutes on the main stage? Why is there comedy at a metal festival? That is something the promoters should think about.)

With the Faeroe Metal-Battle winner Earth Divide I started the first official festival day progressively. The five guys directly played at full force and made a very professional impression. And this even they were only founded at 2010.