Directly after Kivimetsan Druidi it was time for the second Finnish band of the festival: Amberian Dawn. The band plays symphonic metal and offered all your heart can desire.

With the Finns Kivimetsän Druidi it finally got more lively. The folk-metal band around Leeni-Maria Hovilla showed loudly that they had much to go for. By songs like "Blacksmith" or "The Tyrant" the style of music got much harder than anything that had been shown that day. In addition, Joni Koskinens growls contributed a lot to it.

The only local heroes (if you could call it like this), at least the only Belgian band of this festival was not able to raise the weak vibes after Unsun’s performance either.

Unsun is the first of two Polish bands on this festival entering the stage. But all in all there is not much to write about them. The show (if you could call it like that) was very modest and also from music point of view Unsun kept quite insipid.

Second band of the day was the French Metal Female Voices Contest winner Whyzdom. The stage was immediately getting crowded due to The Dark Whispers Choir supporting them and although it was still before 12:00 the vibes were getting significantly better.

From far Japan Pinky Doodle Poodle came to Wieze to be the opener for the seventh Metal Female Voices Fest. There were some linguistic barriers and overall it was not exorbitant amazing what the Asians offered as punk to the audience.