Headliner of the evening was having nearly a home game. The guys around Hansi Kürsch were really keen on playing and also the audience was following them really good. The songs were covering a majority of the musical history of the band, so there were not only songs from the new album "At The Edge Of Time" being played.

The third time that I was able to watch Van Canto live and in my point of view the best gig up to now. It seemed that the six were obviously having fun and so it was to the audience. As quite as it was during Steelwing, so lively it got whilst the really great performed tracks like "Wishmaster" or "Rebellion".

As opener of the evening the Swedish heavy metal band Steelwing was there. The five newcomer performed old school heavy meatal in style of Manowar, Judas Priest or Savatage. Their appearance in leggins and tennis socks was appearing quite funny. Musically there were six songs of their debut album "Lord Of The Wasteland".

As I had until Tiamat and the closure with U.D.O. still some time left I chose Soulfly to be so to say the "fill-in". Originally not completely the style of music I like but I have to admit that the show was quite good (especially the prohibition of circle-pit was not taken much care about by singer Max Cavalera what the security immediately hectical tried to riposte by video flashs to stop doing this).

It was already dark and the stage put into an eerily beautiful blood red light when Candlemass began with an absolutely impressive performance.

Whilst I shortly changed my clothes to get across the cold evening Edguy had already started on the True Metal Stage. That was why I had to stand some more at the outside of the crowd what is also reflected in not so perfect looking pictures.

The multi national group Stratovarious heavily rocked the Party Stage. With old hits like "Hunting High And Low" as well as "Eagleheart" but also some newer pieces like "Deep Unknown" or "Forever Today" Timo Kotipelto and his guys knew to enthuse.

A gig during which you felt put back into the 80s: lots of leather and saw blades on the arms. That it was after W.A.S.P. entered the stage but that does not necessarily mean that it was bad, on the contrary.

Already two times I had seen Delain live and both times they were not really bad but on CD way better. Especially front woman Charlotte Wessels provided quite bad performances in the past but also the other band members remained quite pale on stage.

The American trash metaller of Overkill were the first act during which I went back into the quite heavily burning sun in front of the True Metal Stage and I did not get disappointed.