Right before the main act of the evening Evergrey from Sweden entered the stage. The venue was meanwhile filled a little bit more and also the mood got better. But to that the music of the men around singer Tom S. Englund formed somehow a certain contrast as it is more gloomy, heavy and solemn.

As second that evening the Danish/Swedish combo Amaranthe could prove their skills. The newcomer who just released their first album "Amaranthe" (how apt) came directly along with 3 singers: Andy Solvestrom who was responsible for the growls. His clean male counterpart was formed by Jake E. Lundberg and front woman Elize Ryd was finally something appealing to the eye.

As the concert was during the week and there should be 4 bands playing Sons Of Seasons already had to start quite shortly after the beginning of the entry at 19:15. Unfortunately to that point in time not many people were there what of course was a pity for the band. As the men around the Kamelot keyboarder (but here instead more playing the strings rather than the keys) had just released their second album "Magnisphyricon".

At 21:15 the main act of the evening entered the stage. Meanwhile the Atak was quite well filled (although not sold out as the gallery was closed this evening and also the audience still had quite a lot of space) and all were looking forward to the gig of Leaves' Eyes. They had, just as Midnattsol too, released their latest album "Meredead" the day before.

As second act of the evening Midnattsol entered the stage to perform the new songs of their album "The Metamorphosis Melody" release just the day before. Accordingly was the stage decorated. But the show was of course not only formed by the new songs.

The Austrian band Serenity could make the start at an unfortunately very weak filled Atak at Enschede. This is maybe also due to the fact that the concert started roughly half an hour earlier than originally planned. I talked after the concert to some other people that arrived only at Midnattsol as they simply did not know about it.

Although it was meanwhile the fifth time during one and a half years that I was watching Epica it was never getting boring. Just the opposite as I am again and again looking forward to see them as the shows are never 100% identical and Epica imagines always something special (like e.g. the belly dancer beginning of 2010, an album show like on last years Metal Female Voices Fest VIII or pyro shows).

For me it was after their gig together with Revamp at the Atak at Enschede already the second time that I was able to watch Sin7sinS live. Unlike to their gig in december singer Lotus was again at good in voice and the band found a new drummer with Heresy 101 wo replaced Armada XTC who left in January.

The band Arafel around Ex-Equilibrium singer Helge I skipped (the day would anyhow be long enough) to have a short break. So I continued with the second special guest of the day: the Dutch folk metal band Heidevolk with their two singers Joris Boghtdrincker and Mark Splintervuyscht. Although they were only singing in their national language Dutch there were many people at the audience knowing the lyrics and singing along loudly.

Blow on blow it directly continued after a short break for changing the stage setting with Kivimetsän Druidi. The Finnish symphonic / folk metaller around front woman Leeni-Maria Hovila entered the stage and she directly was pointing out with her outfit. A short black top with black and white ribbons and a long black skirt.