For a second time that day with 69 Chambers a Swiss band entered the stage. The were not rookies at the festival as they were there already at the 8th edition. Meanwhile a little redeployment. Besides the last show bassist Maddy Madarasz is not with her anymore. Her part is taken over by front woman Nina Treml who is supported by guitarist Tommy Vetterly and drummer Diego Rapacchietti.

Also on the second day the support for the Greek went on. With Meden Agan the opera singer (better diva) Iliana Tsakiraki could finally enter the stage with her own band after she already supported Eve's Apple and Skeptical Minds. The style of their music can simply be discribed by symphonic metal.

Let's head over to the first surprise of the day: the Swiss confederates sent November 7 towards Belgium to mix up the venue by true metal of the style of the early-days Lacuna Coil albums.

The last festival day started, something later than last year. But therefore at least not so frozen. Anyhow, the standard way of most of the people: first get a coffee to wake up and get warm. Afterwards take a look at how the day will start.

The first (for me, as it actually is already the second one) festival day was going to an end but not before the big headliner Lacuna Coil had played. At 23:00 it was the time and the band members entered hooded the stage.

Two years ago Arch Enemy were guests for the first time and really rocked the venue. Now it was again the time but this time they started their show on time.

Slowly we were getting to the headliner and the start was formed by Delain who had their new album "We Are The Others" with them. The Dutch are momentarily on their album tour and passed by also at Wieze where they did not only burn down a musical fireworks but also were the only ones that really were extensively using that on stage.

What entered the band now was the biggest surprise of the festival for me. At least I had taken a look at each single band and seen that Arkona plays Russian pagan- / folk-metal. But the songs and videos from the internet could not even give the slightest impression of what kind of hurricane all of a sudden was rising on stage.

By the Finnish symphonic power metal band Amberian Dawn a wellknown band entered the stage. Already 2009 they were visiting and now they were brought to the line-up short timed as replacement for Krypteria. They had unfortunately to cancel their show due to pregnancy of singer Ji-In Cho.

The afternoon was progressing and now it was up to another Belgian band to keep moods up high. Skeptical minds are guests not for the first time because already during the 3., 4. and 7. edition of the festival they could prove their skills.